
Music in the Waves

When I sat with my cuppa and gingerbread the other day, I took these photos out of the Family Room window.

This was taken before the hail shower came.

And the rest were taken during a heavy shower.

Everything went so grey.

Any writer, poet or composer who is suffering from writer's block, or the musical equivalent, ought to go to the coast. I'm no musician, but I can hear music when I watch the waves crashing onto the rocks, rise gracefully into the air and, almost in slow motion, pour over the rocks and back into the sea.



  1. Anne, I may have to figure out how to get to you when we're in No. Ireland this summer. You entice me with your pictures! Oh, yeah, and I'd love to meet you in person and share a cuppa.

  2. There is just something about the sea, isn't there? You are so fortunate to live where you do!

  3. My first visit to the ocean was thrilling. I found the sound of the crashing waves mesmerizing, I loved hearing them. The door in our hotel room opened onto the balcony facing the ocean, and I kept it open whenever we were in our room so I could hear the waves. I cannot imagine what it would be like to have that in my daily life, seeing it and hearing it, it's incredible where you live!

  4. i love it! beautiful!!

    the mountains out here kinda do the same thing :)

  5. How could anyone behold the magnificent crash of those breakers upon that rock and not be moved?
    Truly awesome.

    "The LORD on high is mightier than the noise of many waters, yea, than the mighty waves of the sea." Psalm 93:4

  6. Those are pictures out of your family room window???? WOW...what a beautiful view! Music indeed.

  7. Hello, thank you so much for visiting me today, I guess I should say, My field of Dreams, I am Kim and I have been home schooling for 22 years. :) At least I can do math now. I only have two left and my son who just turned 18 will graduate in June and then I will only have one more for 2 years. I have just finished reading and I hope you won't find this insulting but M.C. Beatons books about Hamish Macbeth. I loved them all and kept longing to go to Scotland and see it all for myself.
    My great, great, great grandmother was born in the hold of a ship, coming from Scotland to here. Well, not here to California but to Virginia.
    I love the title of your blog and I have read though some of your posts. I think we think a lot alike.
    So thank you so much for visiting and I look forward to sharing with a like mind.

  8. I've spent the past three weeks celebrating a "significant" birthday by taking a cruise to the Panama Canal and driving around Florida, refreshing my soul by seeing, hearing, feeling, smelling and tasting the ocean. What a blessing!!! God's creation is unbelievably magnificent, but the ocean both soothes and rejuvenates me. You indeed are blessed by living where you do.

  9. Wow that is wonderful!! Enjoy your cuppa and that beautiful view you have been blessed with ~Love Heather

  10. What a beautiful place you live in! I love the fact that you can see the ocean from your home!
    Thanks for the pictures!

  11. Alva Lee....that sounds wonderful. I'd be happy to have many a 'significant' birthday if that were going to be the prize! x

    @FarmGirl....do you know any more about your g-g-g-grandmother? You don't know what ship she was on? Or the year? I find these histories so fascinating. I wrote a while back about an amazing meeting in apark in Vancouver.... it has links to my mum's aunt who emigrated from here in 1923 and who died in Canada. There are so many amazing stories from this island of people who left to go to the USA and to Canada.

    However, I'm rambling. It happens. Occasionally. x

  12. I linked to your blog from PW...and I'm so glad! I lived in England for four years [I know, I know, England and Scotland are different countries :)] but a lot of the landscape is similar and it makes me so homesick for the UK. For the last two years I've been back in the middle of the U.S. I LOVE the mountains here, but there is nothing like your lambs in the spring, green pastures, and yes the lovely rain.

    Great blog - I'll be back!

  13. WElcome, Stacy. There are some beautiful parts of England - many places to which I've never been. One day, maybe!
    We've been to the US twice but Michigan is as far west as we've been! We have a dream to drive further and further west....Another 'one day, maybe'!
    So good to meet you x
