
A Homeschooler's Journal

In my life this week...

I've had sadness and joy. I posted about the sorrows, and I am thankful for God's goodness to me and our family.

My husband has work; our four kids are here with me all day; we all have our health.

I've been blessed by friends, near and far, who have prayed for mourning friends, and who have encouraged me with words of comfort and blessing.

In our homeschool this week...

Our kids were involved in sheep scanning, and I love it when 'schooling' looks nothing like 'school'.
Our Wee Guy is becoming obsessively fond of History. Especially when battles of any description are involved.

Places we're going and people we're seeing...
Er...places we're going? You mean, people go places? Does the washing line count? It's outside.
The kids will be at their twice-weekly Swimming Club, and I will be transporting them. 
As for people we're seeing. Well, my friend at No Place Like Home is about to have her baby. I hope to be seeing a cute little bundle very soon. Can't wait!

My favorite thing this week was...
Seeing the kids walking the sheep to the fank early Tuesday morning.
Yesterday, we had such a gorgeous day. We had sunshine all day, and barely any wind, but the waves rolling in were huge. I could have sat and watched them all day.
(I know I sound like a broken record talking about the waves, but I never tire of watching them. They are therapeutic.) 

What's working/not working for us...

Our timetable is working quite well, but it's a full timetable and we were going to review it at the beginning of February. We have decided to follow our timetable Monday to Thursday, and use Friday for catching up on essays and subjects that weren't completed earlier in the week.

Homeschool questions/thoughts I have...

We're already looking at next year's curriculum. I'll keep you all posted as we make our decision (and purchases!)

A photo, video, link, or quote to share...

A photo: 
Yesterday's therapy.

 A Quote: 
Behold the Man with unlimited sympathy and empathy. Behold his huge and unlimited heart. Behold his tender and sensitive love!
I come to Him, weary and heavy laden, saying: "Lord I cannot cope with all these sorrows. But you can. I have no more capacity, but you have. My sympathy reserves are empty, but yours are ever full. My heart is narrow and limited, but yours is immeasurably wide. Please take these sorrows and extend your sympathy. And more than that, add your power to your pity; add your hand to your heart. Feel what I cannot feel. And do what I cannot do." 
(from here)

You can read other mothers' journals at The Homeschool Chick.


  1. I never tire of your photos and I look forward to your posts!

  2. hope you have a blessed weekend~

  3. I would be enthralled with those waves as well! I'm like that here with the sunshine- my kids just roll their eyes on sunny days 'cause they know they have to hear me go on and on about how beautiful it is! lol

    Where is the pic of the kids with the sheep? : ) Sounds so neat.

  4. okay- I was so into the waves in the background that I didn't even notice the sheep in the picture...

  5. You live in such a beautiful place. It sounds like things are going along, even though you have had some recent sadness.

  6. Wow. Such joy and mourning in the same week. I am so glad our children can bring such joy to the hard times. I'll be praying for you! Lisa~

  7. Well, I have been out of town and out of blogging commission this last week. Am spending a restful moment catching up on blogs. Sorry to hear the sad news of 2 of your friends. So so sad. It truly is a difficult and dark season in the world isn't it? I cannot remember a time in my life when so many of these things were happening seemingly on every corner. Keeping you in my prayers.

    Its nice to catch up on all your goings on. I love hearing that the sheep are getting ready to lamb. They are so sweet. Also loved the picture of builder in the kitchen... one must snag those kinds of pictures when ever possible. Also I am looking forward to hearing about the new book you are reading.
    Many blessings,

  8. All fellow bloggers....sing with me:
    Happy Birthday to you,
    Happy Birthday to you
    Happy Birthday dear Pam,
    Happy Birthday to you

    Hip Hip...

    Hey you guys, are you not singing with me.Pam (above) has just had a (significant!) birthday. No, Pam, I wont tell, but just saying'... xxx

  9. I would never get anything done with a view like that! So beautiful! Happy birthday!!!
