
Cute or What?!

Last Saturday, this doll came to visit.

She is the cutest thing this side of Bulgaria.

I have no idea why I said Bulgaria, but my statement still stands.

Here's her brother along with our Wee Guy.

Apart from our Wee Guy, he's the next cutest thing this side of Bulgaria.

And you know what? 

There's another where they came from...
Soon....very soon!

I am not jealous. I am not jealous. I am not....


  1. Cute is "There's another where they came from..."

    That just put a smile on my face. What a delight to have such a cute family over!

  2. I miss having tiny ones, but I couldn't imagine being in the condition momma is in. I loved it then, but that was a while ago. Still, I have "baby wants." My first 4 deliveries were challenging, to say the least, but the last one was so easy that it could leave me remembering the whole thing as easy. NOT! Oh, well. Good for that young momma!And nice for you to have the visit:)

  3. Cute, cute, very cute! What sweet visitors.

    Last Friday we had two expecting mothers in our home who are twin sisters, and their babies are due just two weeks apart from one another. Double cuteness seeing those bellies last week.

  4. everyone i know is prego...but i'm determined to have no mountain babies!

    those are some adorable kiddos!

    have a great day~

  5. What precious cuties.....my youngest is 5 ....I do SOOOOO miss little ones

  6. My 'baby' is seven....SEVEN! I'm sure my body couldn't really cope with another at this stage, but my mind still craves babies!

    And these kiddos are really something else in the 'cute stakes'. Just something else!

    Thank you all for stopping by and for letting me know you stopped by.... x

  7. Oh how cute ~And a prayer lifted up for the Mama and New baby on the way for a safe and Healthy delivery ~Oh I would love another bundle of joy but I would need a miracle, I can't have any more very complicated ~have a Wonderful Day Love Heather
