
A Post Worth Reading

I read this post today, from Davene at Life on Sylvan Drive, and now link to it, so you can read it too.

Really, it moved me so much. (Okay, nothing new there. But it's really worth a read. I just wrote 'really' twice in the same line. Almost. That's really an evidence of a lack of really good vocabulary. But I'm just back to routine, so my brain is really not functioning well. Okay.)

Back to the post: it moved me because family history does that to me. Men and women who lived, and often passed away, before I was even born, but whose very existence was necessary for me to have life. I often wonder how many of their prayers are being answered now, long after they passed this scene.

Davene's post makes me think of her grandparents, and even great-grandparents - and wonder at God's blessing through the generations. Truly, God is a God of families, and His blessings are so often evident throughout the generations. I pray that God's blessing would be known not only by our own children, but by their children and their children's children, should God see fit to bless them in this way.

So, have you linked to the post? Off you go and have a read. Then come back and tell me what you thought of it. 


  1. I really (there's that word!) enjoyed reading Davene's post. Such a legacy. I think we also have a number of Bibles. It makes me feel guilty when I think of how hard it is for some people in other places in the world to get a Bible.

  2. Thank you so much for this link. Such a wonderful post.

  3. Thank you so much! I'm grateful that God used my post to bless you--and doubly grateful for your words written here because your thoughts expanded beautifully on my post. I especially appreciated this: "I often wonder how many of their prayers are being answered now..." Won't it be glorious to meet up in heaven with our faithful ancestors and have a huge, joyful reunion?! We'll be able to thank them in person for the legacy they left us.

    Blessings to you, friend!

  4. Hmmm, a very good post, thank you so much for sharing this with the rest of us. I love hearing stories from the past, of our own legacy, those who were before us, and their walk with the Lord.

    But this post of Bibles, well it leads me to another story-

    I can't help but think of a Bible, that has somehow ended up in our home. It came from my MIL's things, after she passed away.

    The Bible originally belonged to twin sisters, Mr. C's cousins. And such a sad story is associated with these two sisters.

    Their elder brother disobeyed his mother, and took his two younger sisters swimming in a river, where the current could be too strong at times. This young man did not listen to his mother, and took them swimming anyway, and both of his sisters lost their lives that day. They drowned in the river.

    This man lived for years under the condemnation of disobeying his mother, and the awful consequence that followed. He could not forgive himself, for years he lived a terrible life, dependent upon alcohol to try and erase the horrible memory of his horrible mistake. His mother never forgave him either, as long as she lived. It was constantly before him.

    We shared with him, at one time in his life, the good news of the gospel, but he never responded in faith. But a few years ago, we received word, a few short years after his mother had passed away, that he had married again, after becoming a widower himself, God brought into his life a Christian woman. This blessed woman shared the good news of the gospel with this man, again and again, and lived her life w/ the Lord before him, walking in forgiveness and free of condemnation. Finally, this man walks in the forgiveness of God. He is a new man, no longer bound by the addiction of alcohol, and his mistakes from the past, he is free in Christ. God made His grace known to this man, and he is now born again. Praise God!

  5. I've been reading your blog for only a couple of weeks. I can't even tell you how I got here, but I'm thankful I did. My father's ancestors came from Scotland several generations ago. My mother's family came from Wales. My husband's family came from Scotland and England. Since I was a child I've been interested in the British Isles even before I knew our history. Even though my parental families are large, I'm the one who ended up with the stories, marriage certificates, and Bibles. My father was raised on a rugged farm in West Virginia, but was inspired to go into the ministry by a circuit riding preacher. Two of his three brothers also became ministers, one later becoming a professor at a Bible college. In my generation, all of my cousins are Christians and there are three more ministers. I think, not only of the prayers of my ancestors, but I also think of all the lives who were touched and taught by my father and uncles. And how that all came about because of a humble man, riding a horse through the mountains to small churches, doing what God called him to do. I doubt that he ever knew how far-reaching his ministry was. So, when I pray and teach young women, I realize that I may also not know who far-reaching my small efforts are. I just need to follow what God has called me to do and He'll take the responsibility of the results.

    Thank you for your blog and pictures.
    Alva Lee Harley

  6. Mrs C - what an amazing story - of heartache and of God's mercy. How sweet the sound of amazing grace truly is.

    @Alva, thank you so much for visiting. I do hope you come back, because I feel you have so much to tell! What a blessed example of the faithfulness of God's people being blessed to generation after generation. Wonderful, and thank you so much for letting us know x
