
Only for Southerners ;)

*Alert*  *Warning*  *Achtung*  *Cunnart*  *D'alerte*

You know how newscasters often say something like, 'If you do not want to know the scores, please look away now'.... well,

- if you're a Northerner


- if you're not a Southerner, 

I reckon y'all should 'look away now'

You away? No? Oh well, I did warn you...

We lent one of our DVDs to friends a while back, and just got it back the other night. Have a guess what movie I'm watching, while wallowing in my state of illness on the sofa with the kids rallying round me. Ahhhh, it's a hard life!

Here are some quotes from the movie. I need say no more.

"I never thought I'd see the day when the President of the United States would raise an army to invade his own country. No, Mister Blair, I cannot... I will not lead it."
General Robert E Lee

"We serve a loving God, Thomas."
Anna Jackson
(Oh, I love this scene. Their love was so beautiful. So deep. So dignified. So self-sacrificing. Have you read the book, Beloved Bride: The Letters of Stonewall Jackson to His Wife? It's worth reading)

"It is well that war is so terrible... or we should grow too fond of it" 
General Robert E Lee
"Look! There is Jackson standing like a Stonewall! Let us determine to die here today and we will conquer, Rally behind the Virginians!"

Captain Smith: General Jackson, how is it you remain so calm in the midst of battle?
General Jackson: Mr. Smith, my religious faith teaches me that God has already fixed the time of my death; therefore, I think not of it. I am as calm in battle as I would be in my own parlor. God will come for me in his own time.

At the beginning of the movie, every time I watch it, I want to shout, 'Oh, find some other way! Find another way!'
It is, as Gen Lee said, as well war is so terrible.....and it is.

Below is a YouTube clip of the song played at the beginning of the move. It breaks my heart every time I hear it.


  1. i haven't seen that movie but have been told i need to...especially since we lived in the south last year, went to a re-enactment of the civil war and have friends that are history buffs.
    thanks for reminding me about this! :)

  2. Great movie!!!

    Another great book that our friend, Lloyd Sprinkle, republishes is LIFE AND LETTERS OF STONEWALL JACKSON by his wife, Mary Anna Jackson. I think you would love it, Anne!

    We love your southern blood!


  3. Beautiful song - I have not seen this movie but I will be doing so soon. If you have not seen the American Public Television program by Ken Burns "The Civil War" you might want to take a look. A very captivating look at our war - warts & all. Thanks so much for sharing!

  4. oh I have this movie but have not watched it yet. I am a wild west kind of girl I am all about the Western :) ~Hope your feeling better ~Love Heather

  5. I have been to a re-enactment, but still have not seen this movie. An interesting part of America's history for sure.

  6. I haven't seen the movie either, but it sounds great -I love period movies & especially the civil war era.
    Hope you feel better soon

  7. Your alerts are hilarious! I haven't ever seen Gods and Generals. It sounds like it might be an interesting movie--although perhaps rather challenging to a Northerner like myself?

  8. This comment has been removed by the author.

  9. Hey Anne! I've never seen Gods and Generals - (shameful, I know... they're gonna demand that I turn in my Southern Card) - mind if I borrow it? :o)
    Hope you're starting to feel better!

    - your fellow Southerner in Habost

  10. Lesli - yes, you may borrow it. Call in for it anytime...

    Leslie - I do like the sound of that book - must look it up. Their love for each other was beautiful.

    And to the rest of you - Northerners and Southerners alike - I love you all. You know I do, and I do especially love you Northerners who stick with me. Lovin' y'all ;)

  11. I almost missed this post, been away a few days. I do love this movie, and would love to read that book!

    We relearned Civil War history outside PS, and what a difference it made hearing the truth from both sides of the war. It was a very hard time for all involved.

    May we learn from the past, so that history is not repeated.

  12. Anna finally got her blog moved over to her account! I am me again! Altho' I guess I will always be Anna's Momma......and I love that title! Sooooo, you will find my comments under my name now!
    BTW, I could always send you a copy of the book if you cannot find it.
