
Just Another Saturday...

I get palpitations when my Wee Guy is this far away from me.

All the way down there. See him?? 

"Hey Wee Guy! Can you hear me!"

Phew. Back towards Mum. 

I knew he would.

This is him battling a southerly 'breeze'.

You can make it, honey. Yep, weapon in hand even with a box that's beginning to feel kinda heavy.

Hold it, Calum. And hold onto your spears.

Whoo. That wind is strong. Up to 74mph today. 

You see, just a gently breeze.


  1. Hey, those spears are important!

  2. I have trouble when my wee girl gets too far away. I really understand. I think it's cute that he has his spears with him. Always ready!

  3. Oh wow that is a strong wind. It is amazing to me how open it is and how far you can see we are in the foothills the view is much different. I can see how the wind would rip right through there. Your little guy is mighty strong not to get blown away ~Have a wonderful weekend Love Heather

  4. Wow, that is a very strong wind!

    What a mighty man he's becoming. :)

  5. Whew...that is a might wind. How cute he has his spears with him. My son used to do the same thing!

  6. Thank goodness he didn't take along a shield, that would have been hard to manage in that wind.
