
Granny's Birthday

It was Mum's birthday yesterday. Herself and my Dad (Granny and Grampa) were over for dinner, and then they stayed the night with us.

I reckon time with the grandchildren is as good a present as you can give Grannies.

Afternoon tea and Victoria Sponge.

My Mum likes china cups and saucers.

Am I going to be like this in a few years time?

What's Katie questioning! 

The kids with Granny and Grampa 

My two girls. 

Now, you guys have no real concept of the level to which I detest photos of myself. I mean really, really hate them. The fact that I have this photo and the next one on this blog is evidence of my love for my boy. 

Me and my boy.

As a present for Granny, the two girls and I wore skirts.

Granny dislikes us in trousers, so we thought we'd treat her!

Catherine looks legless; Katie's in purple; and I'm in the spots.


  1. Happy Birthday!! I hope she had a lovely day, the photos are lovely!!

  2. Happy birthday, she shares it with our James!

    I love the pictures of you and your boy. I used to mock my own mother for still calling my brother 'my boy' when he was a teenager. I even made him a cake for his 16th and the icing 'Happy birthday ma boy' on it. Now I guess it's payback for me as I imagine I'll be exactly the same with my own boys!

  3. Love the pictures!!!! (I, too, despise pictures of myself.)
    But......do you know which one is my favorite one that you posted? The one of you and your boy....I see in that picture a friend who loves wholeheartedly those the LORD has placed in her life. Thanks for sharing, Anne!

    Happy Birthday from Virginia, Granny!


  4. Aww, what a sweet day! I love how you honored her wishes in the little things... cups and saucers, and skirts. :)

  5. Oh what a wonderful celebration!! you all look lovely for Granny and a very Happy Birthday to Her!! Beautiful Family ~Love Heather

  6. I hope it was a wonderful day for all.

  7. What a sweet evening. I know the feeling with the photos. But pictures with your boy are darling and will be precious one day! I really have to try the cake. It looks delicious.

  8. Such nice photos of you and your family. Happy Birthday to Granny!

  9. I never comment, but in this case I feel compelled to mention how much I love your shoes. :)

  10. Thank you all. Best wishes have been passed on to my Mum! We really did have a lovely afternoon and evening.

    And, Const, I am glad you like my shoes, but I can't understand how you didn't feel the same compulsion to comment so positively on my beloved boots....

  11. Anne, as my mother has a similar obsession with her clogs, I can only feel for your poor daughters :D

  12. Happy Birthday to your Mum, I've been away, just now catching back up on your posts.

    Love your pictures, what a great looking family!

    And I agree, very cute shoes, Anne!!!
