

The Live Traffic Feed sits on the side of my blog.

Places interest me. I love to see towns, cities, states, countries named. If I don't know where a specific place is, I google it, and normally I call the kids and say, 'Oh, come and see where this place is'.

Being the enthusiastic learners they are, they always come rushing to where I am with a glint in their eye, desperate for their next geography lesson. 

Uh...did you believe that?!

Anyway, I'm rambling. I don't normally ramble, so I caught myself in the act immediately. Aren't you glad I'm not a rambler? The Builder is extremely glad he's not married to a woman who rambles on and on. And on. 

Eh, where was I? Oh yes, the Live Feed thingy. Today, it says on there. A visitor from .... are you ready for this... from (I nearly have to spell out this word - a bit like that animal - _ _ _ - you know the one) from...Europe.

There, I got it out. EUROPE. And there, right beside that piece of information was the flag. You know: THE FLAG.

So where on earth was my visitor from? Germany? France? Norway? Greece?

If the visitor was from the UK, their flag would look like this

Norwegian? Then this would be displayed.

Maybe Greek?

Or even French.
Why did I say 'even' French?
I don't know. It was subconscious. Who can tell how my mind works...

Could we have countries named, please? Would you mind NOT displaying THAT flag on my blog again. If I see such behaviour being repeated, I will remove you.

Live Feeder.... you got that? Cos I'm deadly serious.


  1. So you don't believe in a "global community" either? Amen. I'm totally with you sister... ramble on!

  2. Okay, I'm cracking up at this...
    "Being the enthusiastic learners they are, they always come rushing to where I am with a glint in their eye, desperate for their next geography lesson."
    and this...
    "Why did I say 'even' French?
    I don't know. It was subconscious. Who can tell how my mind works..."
    Yes, we're living in disturbing times :-(.
    Regarding a recent comment at my site, yes I do submit my photos to the Pioneer Woman's Photography site. The whole family loves her! Tim, my husband recently won a giftcard from her for being one of the "random" winners in her Word Nerd contest. It helped with Christmas!

  3. You gave me a good laugh! The kids have enjoyed seeing where visitors come from, but they don't all rush to me when I have an exciting revelation of geography. I actually had to look up one place because I've never heard of it. The flag almost looked like a kid had made it up. You mean they have computers in places I've never heard of? I am behind you on this one, Homeschool on the Croft. Live Feeder- have some pride! If you're going to give us flags and information, could you please be more accurate. Perhaps the economy will mean less employees and you'll just have to label all of the flags "earth". Try to do better.

  4. LOL - it is interesting seeing where others are visiting from! I'm always interested in seeing where the live feed shows me - it always has the state correct, but never the place - sometimes it says Sydney which is actually 4 1/2 hours away - today it's saying Kellyville - I've never even heard of Kellyville & I live in this state!
    Hope you have a very Happy New Year - we are celebrating with our church family & the kids are already walking around today saying "tomorrow is next year"!
    Have fun

  5. Yes, I know the Live Feed is waaaay out in it's towns/cities. We're as far north-west in the UK as you can get, and we have even been called London. London, for crying out loud!
    But if it ever decides to tell me I'm from ... THAT place, and give me THAT flag, I'll probably punch the screen!
    And Patrice, I can assure you they *do not* coming running! When I go online to see where passing ships are going to, they normally roll their eyes whilst telling me in so uncertain terms that they're really not interested that the tanker 'out there' is heading to the Gulf of Mexico.
    I don't understand these kids....!
