
More Tears....

*sniff*.... Could someone ...er... please pass the Kleenex?... 

Do you know Meredith from Striving to Serve at Home...sniff...?

She got married today. Actually, she was married within the past half hour, and has just left the church building.

And... sniff... I was able to watch it online. Live!

I wish them every joy and blessing that marriage can give.

May God bless them both with all the blessings marriage can give. May the God who created marriage be their God, their Guide, their Friend, their Sustainer, their all-in-all.

May Stephen be her best earthly friend, her lover, her protector, her earthly 'everything'. 


  1. I watched it, too! Wasn't it wonderful?!

    I agree with you in your prayer/blessing for them. :)

  2. That is so funny Anne, and Davene! We were all on together!! I wondered if that was you typing and sniffing Anne :) Oh wasn't it delightfully fun to be able to see it and kinda participate!! I do agree, watching Meredith leave the church as a new bride made me hold back tears! Wish we all could have been there together!! But sure happy to see it live like we did in our cozy homes.
    Much love to you Anne,

  3. Yep! That was me - all the way from Scotland. I really did appreciate that she allowed me to watch on the link-up. I wonder how the reception went. No doubt we'll find out all in due time! x

  4. I watched as well and it was so lovely! I felt like I was really there!
