
Chaps or Chops?

The Pioneer Woman has chaps. They make her drool. They make her heart sing. I know this because she's told us.

I, on the other hand, have chops. They make me drool. They make my heart sing. I know this because I spent a considerable portion of today drooling and singing.

It may not be the prettiest picture I've ever painted with words, but - despite that - have a look at this.

When I saw this today, I almost felt the need to go and apologise to all Big Brother's sheep for my many disparaging comments over the past year.

Have a look. Isn't this gorgeous.

Chops. And my chap chopping chops. Drool.
Of course, were I to have my chap in chaps, chopping chops... 


You all thought these arms were only good for lugging wood around...

The first box of meat.

The first dinner...

We love lamb chops in this house. Most of us love them simply grilled and served with creamed potatoes. But tonight, I have thirty-two chops slowly cooking with some carrots and leeks. This means we're limited to four or five each.
It may be that our cholesterol will be glad of that, but the members of my family may not be quite so pleased.


  1. Those chops look wonderful! I doubt her chaps would go as well with creamed potatoes!

  2. The end product look delicious! I'm not so sure about the first pics though. ;)

  3. Chops!!

    32!! Wow, must have a big pan! Hope you enjoyed!

  4. Wow that looks fabulous!! I am drooling to I may need a napkin :) Enjoy your Chops ~Love Heather

  5. Oh, this post just absolutely cracks me up! Thanks for putting a smile on my face. (I'm somewhat envious--but as it is I already have way too much meat at home and way too little room in my squishy freezer!)

  6. Yes, I have to agree that the first pictures are slightly off-putting, but knowing what was going to follow let me see the beauty in the pile of carcasses!

    We did all enjoy dinner tonight (or supper, or whatever y'all call it!). Not a crumb was left. No surprise there, in this house! x

  7. I think every person who has commented so far will faint dead away when I say this but...*ducks* I've never ever ever in my eighteen years of life, eaten a chop. There. It's out! :) But how does one manage to eat....5 or 6 of them? Just wondering! :)~Rachel

  8. We love lamb here too. I'll have to give that a try with the leeks and carrots. Looks good!
    We like to grill the chops and pour honey over them when they are almost done. :-)
    Nothing better than roast leg of lamb or lamb stew!

  9. We don't each much lamb here, but we do some beef. And, we had some ala, Ms. Julia Childs' recipe this evening.

  10. Mr. C's not up yet, so I'm checking in on a few friends this morning, and WOW! What a great feeling that must be, providing your family with such goodness. Such a huge blessing to raise your own food.

    I do not know how to cook lamb, would love to learn. Last time I tried we all vowed to never eat it again. I take all the blame. lol

    Enjoy your bounty!!!

  11. This post made me laugh out loud! :)
    Those chops look delicious!

  12. I must admit to you . . . I've never eaten lamb??? But we sure eat a lot of BEEF!!!!

  13. Just this morning for Bible reading time with the kids we were reading in Nehemiah and came to verse 18 in chapter 5 about Nehemiah killing an ox and six sheep EACH DAY to feed the people rebuilding Jerusalem. I said, "Do you realize how much meat that is?" Then I said, "Wait, I just saw yesterday on a blog some pictures of people preparing lamb meat from a freshly slaughtered lamb. Perfect!" So I showed them your pictures, just to give them a real life image of what what we had just read.
    My eleven year old daughter had no comment until we got to the last picture. "Mom, could you ask her how to make that meal? That looks soooo good." I agree. It looks delicious!
