

I've shared this basic recipe before here.

I use it for my Apple Tarts and for my Lemon Meringue Pie. This is not because it's the best pastry recipe I've ever found. It's not even a pastry recipe really. But my 'consumers' love it in dessert pies. And so do I. 

The original recipe was given to my mum over 30 years ago, and when I was growing up (I use that term loosely. I was getting older. I'm not sure I was actually growing. Not since I was about nine anyway).... 

Now, where was I? Oh yes, the recipe. Well, we used to make these little biscuits often. And on Monday morning, seeing as I had nothing else to do, and seeing as all the laundry was taken care of, and the house was immaculately tidy, and all my kids are being educated by someone else....(cough), I took a notion for these biscuits from a bygone age.

I'm not really that old.

I made them on Monday. By Monday night, there was not one left.

I made them again on Tuesday. By Tuesday night, there was not one left.

So, on Wednesday, I made a double portion. As I write this (on Thursday) there are a few left. I am not making them tomorrow for the simple reason that I cannot justify a new wardrobe, and I am going to be really embarrassed by popping zips whilst doing my shopping in Tesco tomorrow if I eat any more.

Here's the recipe.


6oz butter
2 oz icing sugar
6 oz plain flour
2 oz custard powder
vanilla essence

The method I use is to cream the butter and vanilla, and then add all the sieved dry ingredients and combine. (The 'official' recipe had two additions: icing sugar first, then flour and custard powder, but I don't see the need.)

Here are the balls on the baking trays.

And here they are having been squished with a fork.

Remember to flour the fork after each one, otherwise you end up with a sticky mess.

Allow them to cool on cooling trays....

...and layer them with some jam and buttercream icing

And enjoy! 

But not all at once like we do. Remember, do as I say, not as I do.


  1. This really looks good! Thanks for the recipe. Think I'll make some to munch on while I "work on the computer!"
    Blessings to you,
    Anne :-)

  2. Help - the Yank doesn't know what custard powder is!! They sound so yummy, you have please, please, tell me what is the American equivalent!!

  3. Oops! Forgot you guys didn't have it. Well, custard powder is basically cornflour (think you call it corn starch) with stuff added. If you use cornflour and added some more vanilla flavour, you'd get pretty much the same texture (and flavour, I'm guessing).
    I've actually made it with cornflour in the past when I've gone to the cupboard and the cupboard was bare (of c.powder!), so it'll work just fine x

  4. These are so pretty to look at, and I bet even better to eat! Thank you for sharing a new recipe, love learning new things.

    If I make some for a friend here in the states, I can say, "...I got the recipe from my friend Anne, who lives in Scotland..."

    Hugs to you!

  5. A thousand thanks - now I can make them!!

  6. Oh my goodness, they are so pretty and look scrumpscious. I am glad you defined what custard powder is, I was thinking of something different. Can't wait to try them. I think I will add them to my Christmas cookie list
    (meaning the ones I want to make this year).
    Love ya,

  7. Thank you for sharing. Made them and took to church tonight. All gone; my mother was disappointed that they were gone when she went back for one after thinking she'd just wait a while before indulging only to find that others had a different idea. Yum! Love, Laurie

  8. That'll teach mum not to be so polite, Laurie! We have a saying here... "If you aint fast, you're last"! (Usually, hubbie to the kids when he's just finished the last of the bar of chocolate!!)
