
Today's Waves

I took a walk along the machair this morning, and thought I'd post some photos I took.

It was breezy and cold, but lovely.
I look kinda tall! And the camera never lies!

I wish I could have recorded the noise of the crashing waves.

This is one of my favourite sounds in all the world.

I think every writer should come and sit by the sea if they're suffering from writer's block.

There is no way they would not be inspired.

See the ship in the distance?

It is the Courageous Ace, sailing from Zeebrugge, Belguim to Halifax, Nova Scotia.

Go on, mark them on the wall map, if you're a homeschooler, and that'll be today's Geography lesson.

I like to keep things simple.


  1. I love the sound of waves crashing. It's so relaxing. Your photos are beautiful!

  2. Holy smokes! What beauty. I'm with Patrice, I do love the sound of waves...here inland we have babbling brooks that speak to my soul in a more gentle kind of way than crashing waves. I like both!

    And I like to keep it simple too; we'll check it out on the globe. :)

  3. Beautiful, beautiful! How far is this from your house? You are blessed to be so near to God's amazing creation . . . the sea!

  4. OH my, what a beautiful sight for my eyes this morning! So lovely!

    Our first visit to the shore, I kept the door to the balcony open all of the time, so I could hear the sound of the waves continuously, I was mesmerized, and awestruck by what God had created.

    What a delight for you to live so close to something so inspiring! My soul stirs anytime I am out in nature, God's creation. Hmmm, and to think, the joy and thrills we experience here on earth, and we are experiencing creation after the curse. Doesn't it make you wonder the grandness of our eternal home, not spoiled by the fall?

    I think just seeing your pictures stirred something within me, they are simply beautiful!

    Thank you so much for sharing!

    Blessings to you & yours,
    (on this very fine day!!!)
    Mrs. C

  5. Thank you all. Yes, it is a real blessing to be so close to this wonder of God's creation. I'm sitting right now on my comfy sofa, looking out at these same waves - all that's between me and the sea is a croft of sheep and the machair (just a parcel of land that belongs to the village).
    And, like you, Mrs C, I often feel jaw-droppingly amazed at His creation, and then wonder what on earth it was all like before the fall. There are some views of nature on our fallen earth that we cannot imagine could possibly be improved on.
    ....but we are finite. His wisdom, infinite.

    Love, Anne x

  6. There is something about the majestic strength of those waves that instills a healthy respect for the mix of power and beauty that is in God's creation.

  7. Oh wow... so amazing, so beautiful. The Lord is amazing. What a marvelous creator He is. I can almost smell it, feel it and hear it.
    Love Pam
