
What is Man?

We have our Communion weekend just now (I gave you this link before, I think, explaining the tradition of the Scottish Communion). This is why I've been too busy to say much to you over the past days.

But I just have to say this.....
When we came home last night, the sky was clear. I mean really clear.

There are simply no words to describe the breathtaking array of stars visible to the human eye as I looked up.

We are blessed to have our home where there are no street lights, and this makes the dark sky even more stunning on a starry night.

Last night, when I stood in awe at the heavens above me, I couldn't but think of the words of Psalm 8.

When I look up unto the heavens
Which thine own fingers framed, 
Unto the moon, and to the stars
Which were by Thee ordained;

Then say I, What is man, that he
remembered is by Thee?
Or what the son of man, that Thou
so kind to him should'st be?
                                                   Psalm 8, verses 3, 4 (Scottish Metrical)

So, the question is: What is man?

Is 'man' a blob of atoms and molecules, amazingly, but fortuitously, put together?

Or is 'man' the pinnacle of God's creation? 

Is the human race a wonder of evolution?

Or is it the race for whom God, in all eternity, planned the Covenant of Redemption, whereby He would send His Son to live, to suffer, and to die for those whom He loved from all eternity.

Well, I guess my answer to these questions is at the root of my thoughts when I looked up at the sky last night. 

What about you? Where do your thoughts go when you are able to behold the wonders of the creation. 

This weekend, we will celebrate the Lord's Supper, and so will remember our Saviour's death. Although Christ's death is precious to us every day, we praise God that He saw fit to give us this supper, whereby we eat and drink bread and wine, and through these elements, do show forth the Lord's death, 'til He come'.

May our Saviour be more precious to each one of us every day.

And to any of you who still do not know Him as your own personal Saviour, may something of the love of Christ be revealed to your soul, so that you too will bow down and worship our Lord and Redeemer.


  1. There is nothing more humbling than to stand, just as you, in wonder of our God, under the blanket of stars, and realize for but a brief moment the grandeur and majesty of our great God. I often ponder, "who am I Lord, that you are mindful of me?" The depth of love expressed to us in all that He has created and all that He accomplished for us in His atoning death, I can only stand in awe of who He is. The Great I Am.

    The older I grow, the more I need those times of Communion, not that I believe the action of remembering does anything to save me, no it is needed to remind me of what it cost my Lord to save me from utter ruin. I am so thankful He ordained this time for His Saints, too many worldly distractions try to pull us away from Him, and He keeps us close by helping us to remember, always remember what He did for us to bring us to Himself, for all eternity.

    Thank you, thank you for this post.

    We've not met face to face, but our hearts are knit together in the love of Christ.

    God bless you and your family.

  2. Dear Anne,

    Thanks for your good words. As you know, we celebrate the Lord's Supper once a month in our church and so we did this past Sunday. In helping us to understand the meaning of communion and to help us discipline our thoughts during the meditation time, he told us to think of it in this way: it's like taking the document out of the drawer (our covenant of grace) and rehearsing what Jesus Christ did, seeing our signatures (His and mine)at the bottom. Remember where it all started.

    You'll have a great weekend! See you soon.


  3. Hi Anne,
    I live where there are no street lights either and can see millions of stars on a clear night. It is absolutely awesome. :-) And to think that the God who put all the stars in the heavens cared enough about me, one little person, to send His Son to die for my sins. It is so humbling; it's just a feeling looking up that one cannot put into words, thinking of the Creator and then what He did for me.
    I treasure those times of communion which are not enough in our church.
    Enjoy your weekend,
    God bless,
