
Sewing for Battle

We're having a gathering of home schoolers this week for Reformation Day.

The wee guy is playing a 16th Century Scottish soldier, so an outfit was needed.

Kilt and Plaid.

No fancy tartans. Just something that looked vaguely brown and vaguely rough.

I went to the charity shop and bought this.

Then I called for Pam's help.

You see, I have the imagination of a sparrow. Not that I know how imaginative a sparrow is. Maybe they're very imaginative. If they are, then I don't have the imagination of a sparrow.

Maybe I have the imagination of a rhinoceros. They don't seem too imaginative.

Anyway, where was I?

Oh yes, not possessing much of an imagination, nor much in the way of sewing skills, I needed help.

Pam didn't come.

Yes I know she's in Colorado, and yes, I know I'm in Scotland, but she could have made the effort.

I mean, c'mon. It's a small world nowadays, isn't it?

So.....Ha! - so!....get it?....sew?!

Ahem - moving quickly on. Noone ever gets my humour. I have no idea why.

No matter, my wee guy still loves me.

And here he is with his 16th century kilt.


Or cute??


  1. Just plain cute and priceless!!!!


  2. Umm, I vote cute!!
    You crack me up Anne! I LOVE your sense of humor, and I think the wee guy's costume is very smart!
    What a cutie pie he is!! I love how he is standing so serious!!

  3. I go with cute too! Is he wearing mum's best brooch?

  4. Wonderful expression on his face!
    Must say you are brave going for costumes for Reformation Day. Perhaps, I will pluck up my courage for next year-will take at least a year to have the fortitude.

  5. Good Job!! What do you mean no imagination?
    And I think your son looks very... (in case he ever reads this)... SCARY!

  6. Oh wow!!! What are you talking about not having any sewing skills! He looks fantastic! And CUTE! I love your humor! You always are making me laugh :D

  7. Uuuuuh...did NONE of you think you ought to point out to me that I'd spelt SCARY wrong??
    Where did the 'e' come from?? It really scares me when I see evidence of senility creeping in. Very scary indeed!
    Love, Anne x
