
Scottish Thistle

Just in case you you didn't realise we were in Scotland, I took these photos in our potato plot this morning.

Sunshine on a rainy day
Looking out to sea, it was clear the sunshine wasn't here to stay.

Sure enough, five minutes later, we had a hail shower.


  1. This comment has been removed by a blog administrator.

  2. Love the rainbow over the sea... and of course, the sheep ;)

  3. How beautiful it would be to look at that ocean view every morning. I can smell the air even now.

    We have plenty of thistle here... it looks like Scottish Thistle...wonder how that happened... they call it Canadian Thistle. It really is a pretty plant, even if irritating. Some ranchers have a method of treating it that causes the cows to eat it down, which is a nice way to dispose of it. They spray the thistle with a thinned down molasses concoction. The cows love it and think it is a treat, and so they eat it down. I'm not sure if that would work in potato patch, but still...

    I can see by your side bar that I am behind on a few of your posts.... I have to go and read them now.
    Love Pam
