
Death in Afghanistan; Burial in Lewis

Many of you will know of, and have read of, Linda Norgrove, the British Aid Worker, who died in Afghanistan recently.

Her family are not from this island, but they have lived here for many years, and Linda herself spent some years at school with my younger sister. 

Her funeral was held this week in Uig, where her parents have lived for the past number of years. 

A 'Lewis funeral' is worth a post on its own, and someday I will talk about it here.

But for now, you can read about Linda's funeral here.

And for now, we simply express our sadness at the death of this young lady.


  1. How very very sad. My prayers go out to her family and friends.

  2. So sad. Anne, you are always so thoughtful and respectful.

    Thank you.

  3. Dr Murray pointed out that she had a humanist funeral . . . which is sad. It is all so sad. As you know, we are supportive of our troops and humanitarian efforts in other countries. Each individual loss of life is a tragedy; but so much more so where there the victim is "without God and without hope in the world"

    May God arise and have mercy yet. . .

  4. H, it was awful to see such bold ungodliness at a time of such a tragedy. It was a sad first for our island: a coffin being led out of a hall to the sound of John Lennon.
    Still, our hearts go out to her parents.

    Apparently, her parents honeymooned in Afghanistan, and Linda grew to love the country from hearing about it from them. How little they thought, I'm sure, the consequences of their honeymoon destination would be.

    All so sad.
    Love, A x
