
Whoopie Pies

Today, we made the Whoopie Pies, recommended at No Place Like Home.

I love the story of the how the name of the cakes came about .... you can read it at No Place Like Home.

We made some with the mallow filling.
Now, I liked the texture of the filling, but I found the taste a bit bland.

That's not to say we didn't eat them, as evidenced by the fact that this was the one and only mallow-filled-whoopie-pie I was able to photograph.

This one has now gone too.

It's always best to do away with all the evidence before Builder and Son come home.

It calls for less explaining that way.

Anyway, I then decided to make more and give them a buttercream filling.

Except that we realised we already had chocolate buttercream in that Catherine had made the other day.

Now, chocolate can never go wrong. Not ever.

I much preferred this to the mallow. But it's all a question of taste.

Verdict overall: Well, they were nice. They are nearly all gone!

But I would probably prefer cookies. 

And I would definitely prefer cupcakes. 

But I will make them again. Unless the Builder gives them a thumbs-down. 

I never make things again if he gives the thumbs-down. 


  1. I don't know how I got here, but I'm glad I did! Scotland, one of my favorite places. :-)
    I love the highlands, Glencoe area and north to Inverness. Hope to make it to the islands next time. :-)
    We love Whoopie Pies, and thank you for sharing the Oat Cake recipe. We have them with tea quite often, but I've never added sugar. I'm going to give it a try.
    God bless you and your family,

  2. I never make anything my other half doesn't like again either!

    See my courgette cake post from a few weeks ago!

  3. Anne (nice to have a namesake! And with an 'e' too - much more elegant don't you think!!) ... So you've been to Scotland? When? And was it on holiday? Glencoe and these areas are stunning. Our scenery is much more mild, though it has its own beauty.

    Kirsteen: ...isn't there something about hubbie not liking a thing that puts *you* off it straight away too! He's yet to come tonight, so we haven't had 'the test'!
    Love, Anne x

  4. I keep seeing all these Whoopie Pies popping up all over the place...yours deffinatley look picture perfect..I am going to have to take the Whoopie Pie Plung and try them...( making them that is )
    Thank you for sharing the Link

  5. Whoopie Pies are the new 'fashion' in cupcakes, even if traditional cupcakes do look and taste better!! There are so many different recipes to try, I might be tempted by the red velvet ones!! My husband did like them, he felt they lacked something (but then I noticed I'd left out the choc chips by mistake so they'd have tasted better with them).

    I blogged about them without tasting, so I never gave my opinion. My only problem is I have gone off pretty much all cakes, no matter how fun or amazing they look. How boring is that!!

  6. Hi Anne!
    Yes, I agree, with an "e" is much more elegant!
    We visited Scotland 3 years ago. Hubby and I lived outside of Bolton, England and never visited Scotland at that time. Then, I became a George MacDonald fan and had to go see the country he wrote about. :-) We flew into Manchester, rented a car, and drove up through Glasgow to Inverness and back down thru Edinburgh, then back to Manchester. It was a wonderful trip, and we both want to go back and visit the islands. We have traveled alot on business, but this was the first trip he and I made that wasn't on business time. :-)And we left the kids home for this trip. :-) It's a beautiful country, and the people are very friendly. So, nice to meet you,

  7. Well, to update....! The Builder is home, and the Whoopie Pies got a definite thumbs-up. Unfortunately, he and DR got one each tonight, as well as Builder's Big Brother, and that's them all - ALL - gone. None for their lunch boxes tomorrow. Eek! *How* many did we eat through the day? I can't really bear to count them up!

    Anne - that sounds wonderful for you - a break just for the two of you......aaahhh, dreams! I hope you make it to Scotland again, and to the islands, and then we'll meet in person as well as 'virtually'!

    Love, Anne x

  8. You ate how many??? I know how much a batch makes!!! >:o

    The one thing I will make that hubby doesn't like is oatcakes - well there are other things like flapjacks as the children love them and do a good job eating daddy's share!!

  9. I didn't even know what whoopie pies were until I saw your pictures - thanks - I've read about them in books, but had no idea what they were.
