
Thinking caps - get them on

We're going to set up a blog for the girls.

We have a few thoughts in terms of what to call it, but I thought we'd open it up.

Get your thinking caps on!

What would you choose for the girls' new blog?

Answers on a postcard. 

No, not really.... on the blog will be fine!


  1. I am new to your blog...so I'm not sure how many daughter's you have...but my first thought was 2 Little Croft-hers...CUTE!!! HUH...:)so what would the winner get...Maybe a Free Trip To The CROFT.... : )

  2. I thought I would rewrite it..together

    2 Little Croft-hers...

  3. Oh how fun! I'd love to read a blog written by your girls! Hmm....names....I'll comment again after I've thought about it more :)

  4. My brother's wife is wanting to join the blog-world too and this is what is holding her back too, she can't think of a name for it.

    I love Pioneer Beauty's idea for your girls though!

  5. Yay! I am so excited they are starting a blog! I remember when I first started mine. The name was a very hard decision. And if they both are sharing one blog, then that adds to the complication. Knowing how clever you are Anne, I am sure you girls will come up with a BRILLIANT name!

  6. Elizabeth.....I *love* your faith in us!!

    We're still at a standstill - not really because we can't think of any - rather, that we can't *agree* on any!

    Love, Anne x
