
Photos from the Builder

The Builder left really early the other morning to go to work in Harris.

He took some photos en route.

This is in the Barvas Moor. 

This is morning mist in the foreground.

Just beyond the heather is the mist, but further away than that is Broad Bay, with Point jutting out in the background.

And finally, one taken in Harris!

Don't you love the sign in the foreground?! It means 'Road Narrowing'

Uuuhhh.... you mean even narrower than what I've just driven through?!


  1. How beautiful! My girls and I have read of the Moors, what a privilege to see pictures here on your blog. Simply beautiful!

  2. Amazing scenery you have there! :) Oh to be able to visit Scotland someday! :) I have always loved hills and mountains, but live in flat country with here and there a slightly rolling field to show what might have been a hill if we were farther north! :)

  3. These are beautiful photos, Anne. I think my favorite is the 4th with all the autumn colors and the last. Harris looks like a beautiful area. I love the sheep on the side of the road. :-) Reminds me of mine - they've been getting out of their pasture for the past week!
    Thanks for sharing,

  4. The photos are lovely, aren't they. I suspect that will be the end of calm, scenic photos for a while. We have had 4 days of cold, 40-15mph winds this week. It sure feels wintry.

    Rachel and Sarah, I assumed you would have at least rolling hills in Virginia. Oh well, maybe even VA isn't perfect!

    Anne - in Harris, it's commonplace still to see sheep all along the side of the roads. They're quite a danger - having NO road sense whatsoever. Best to *crawl* past them, assuming they may just jump out in front of you any minute!

    Mrs C - thank you for your comment. Our wee guy said to me the other day, 'Oh Mum, I know why it's called the 'moor'......because the cows are on it moo-ing all the time. Well, I smiled, but he laughed and laughed at his own joke. He thought it was the most hilarious thing he'd ever heard! Of course, seeing him in stitches made me laugh more, which convinced him totally that his joke really was hilarious! So cute! Anyway, that had nothing to do with the photo, but reading the word in your comment reminded me.... boy, I do ramble, don't I!

    Love you all, and thanks for commenting
    Love, Anne x

  5. .....the winds are 40-50mph. I have no idea where the misprint (above) came from!

  6. Goodness, those are beautiful! My parents got to visit Scotland, which meant so much to my half-Scottish dad. Some day, I hope to visit as well. Thanks for the beautiful glimpse into the lovely land you call home.

  7. I felt car-sick at that last photo - really did. Like sea-sick only worse!

  8. I can vouch for both sea-sickness and car-sickness both being utterly horrendous. Just as well, H, you don't live in these parts, though, if the photo makes you squeamish! The roads in the south end of Harris are particularly.....challenging, let's say!

    Toni - do you know which part of Scotland your dad's folks left from? The history of the Scots in America and Canada is fascinating.

    Love, A x

  9. Anne, when you think on it, cows almost sound like they are bellowing out; "Mooooooorrrr". So cute, your young 'en making a joke like that.

    Just wanted to note, I share in the fact w/ Toni above, my father is 1/2 Scotch and he's also 1/2 Irish, Grandmother's maiden name was McFarland. I love it! My Grandfather's family name in Scotland was DeLisle before they changed it here in the states. I love seeing pictures from over there, imagining that our ancestors possibly tread some of those same locations years ago??? We came across the Delisle name in a book I read aloud w/ my girls from the juvenile section of the library, called "Adam of The Road". It was a nice surprise for us.

  10. Anne, I love the photo up-date; lovely to have tours of your comings and goings. The photos are lovely. Yes, I have read about the moors also. There are many Scottish and English authors who are my favorites. Our family has a romantic heart about all those places, and love to read about and imagine them. So nice to have pictures that make us feel as if we have had a tiny window opened for us.

    The recipes below look good. I just bought the ingredients for your oatcakes, and thought I would make some in the next couple of days. I'll let you know. The cakes that you made (their name is drawing a blank right now) look good too... perhaps I'll give them a try soon. Love how cute they look.

    Many Blessings to all,
    Much Love, Pam

  11. Hi Pam! Hope your oatcakes went well. The name oatCAKE is a bit misleading. Their really more bisuity that cakey. But oatcake is what they're known as.
    I've now made another batch of whoopie pies, and - guess what! - they're all gone - AGAIN!

    Looking forward to hearing how you got on with your oatcakes
    Love, Anne x

  12. Anne,

    These are the pictures that stir us to want to visit your Scotland. I got to thinking after I left the comment on the other post.....I might have scared her! :)
    Believe me, coming to Scotland is only a dream.....we just get motivated when we see pictures like these. Please do not worry that we might appear on your doorstep if the LORD would ever allow such a trip!

    Even if we cannot come to the other side of the ocean, we have a lot to be thankful for here in our Shenandoah Valley.

    All the best to you!

  13. Oh Leslie, I can assure you, you did not scare me with your 'threat' to come visit....not a bit. We would *love* to see you on this side of the Atlantic, and I can assure you that you'd all be so welcome here in our home. Indeed, I'd be very disappointed if you came as far as Scotland, but didn't come to visit us, here in Lewis.
    And don't say it's just a dream. We had that dream for years about the USA, and really thought it'd never happen - we had noooo money since we married, really, and thought we'd never get to America. But we did. And now we've been twice! And now we're dreaming even more!

    So don't give up on your dream. Sometimes, there are reasons for God giving us heart desires....
    Love, Anne x

  14. Thank you for the invitation and encouragement, Anne.....if the LORD allows us to visit Scotland,we would definitely look you up, I promise.

    If you come to the USA again, come via Virginia and the Shenandoah Valley, ok? We'll welcome you to our home!

    A ((hug)) to you!
