
A Week of Meals

We're budgeting. I mean really budgeting. 

As food is, by far, our biggest outgoing, I thought I'd post our week's meals - really as a bit of a lesson for myself. I'm holding myself to account, and am determined to learn how to save more on food.

Before I post the first two days, I have to say that making a menu plan for the week has been the best thing I've ever done.

Until I began reading blogs, I didn't know there was such a thing.
(Huh! And there's the Builder thinking they're a waste of time. Note to self: tell him how much he has saved because of my blog-reading!)

Anyway, here are the first two days.

Roast Beef (we bought a cheaper joint, and so I slow-cooked it. It turns out beautifully every time, and the juice makes gorgeous gravy)
Mashed Potatoes - our own
Roasted Carrots and Onions - our own. (I also had boiled carrots for the younger kids, who aren't keen on the roasted ones)
Romanesco - our own (I will post of a photo of one of these for those of you who don't know what it is) and cheese sauce
Home-made Yorkshire Pudding - (this is Katie's speciality!)

I also always roast a Chicken on a Sunday, in case there are visitors at church, and I will not have to worry about a lack of food if I ask them for lunch. We normally have (at least most of) that chicken left, and I use if for Monday's dinner.

We forewent pudding today. That shows you - things must be bad!

This fed 7 (the 6 of us, and a neighbour gentleman who eats with us most Sundays)

Fajitas - with yesterday's Chicken
Lettuce and Red onion salad - our own

For the Fajitas, I fried onion and peppers; 
added the cut-up chicken, beans (normally kidney beans, but tonight, I used Cannellini because that's what I had in), 2 cans of chopped tomatoes and Fajita Seasoning.

I cooked rice and mixed them all in a bowl when the rice was cooked.....

...chucked the mixture onto a wrap, added some chopped coriander...
 and wrapped up!

Served with salad...

Pudding: Apple and Cinnamon strudel (not home made, but I had it in the freezer)

This fed 5 adults (us two and extended family). The 6 kids had Macaroni Cheese earlier in the evening.

So....that's the first two meals. Let's see if I can keep this up for the week.


  1. How interesting, I was thinking of posting up menu plans once I'm back home in our routine. I love to see what everyone else is having too.

    Food shopping on this island is definitely much more expensive than on the mainland.

    I'm very thankful that we have an Aldis near us where I can stock up on juices, tins, biscuits etc.

    Have you read the book, 'How to feed your family......' it's got a long title and I don't remember the rest! but it's all about budget food shopping and menu planning.

  2. That's interesting, was wondering what pushes up our costs on the island. I have to say that yes, every time I'm on the mainland we do stock up on juices and things like that.

    I used to have that book, then I gave it away to a friend who was wanting to learn to cook from scratch. I've always been looking for a book that has a meal plan all laid out, I've found 2 - 'Once a Month Cooking' & the 'BBC Good Food Family Meal Planner Cookbook'... the only problems are that I think you really have to make up your own meal plan to make it perfect!
