
Back to School....kinda

Sooooo, we're back to school.

We've had a kind of part-time week this week, but all being well, come next week, we'll be totally 'back to school'.

For Calum who is the equivalent of Primary 3 in the UK (Grade 2 in the US), we are using:

For Language:
When we began homeschooling DR first of all, Abeka was practically the only homeschool materials we'd heard of. We are still using some of the materials we bought back then. I can't really justify total changes - especially for the Wee Guy, when he's .......he's.....you know......he's .....the last. 

There - I said it. Very quickly mind you, but I said it. 

He's. The. Last. 

Ooooh, that hurt.

Aaaaanyway. Where was I? Oh yes, curriculum.

I do like Abeka for Language and Maths. The pages are colourful and fun. And they're thorough. 

For Maths:
And here's his Maths book for this year.

Again, they are pleasant, colourful and cheerful.

And thorough.

Did I say they were thorough? I like to keep saying it to convince myself that nothing is being left out when it comes to these core subjects. I'm glad they are thorough, because 'thoroughness' is not a word that comes to mind when I think of myself.

So, at least the books are.

Last year, we did a lapbook on An Overview of the 17th Century, from A Journey Through Learning.

This year, we're gonna head West. 

In our travels - I mean our literal family holidays - we haven't been further West than the shores of Lake Michigan. I dream of heading west. So, because I dream of heading west, the Wee Guy will look at Heading West this year! 

Not really.

Well, yes, really. Except that it's not JUST because I long to head west. So, we're looking at the pioneers, reading the Little House books, and generally, in our thoughts....heading west.

We've found a number of resources to go with the Little House books online. And we're going to do the Westward Ho lapbook - again from A Journey Through Learning.

They also do a Little House in the Big Woods lapbook. 

I must look at this to decide whether to do it whilst we're reading this actual book.

Any ideas or comments will be gratefully received.

Another day, I'll post what the girls are doing.

When they're not baking and doing all my housework.

Oops, I wasn't supposed to tell that's why I keep them home, was I?!

1 comment:

  1. Anne, again, you just crack me up. (American for "laugh out loud"). I love hearing about your homeschooling. Makes me want to come over and join in. I miss those days really bad. We homeschooled the big kids all the way through. But the last three, were 3/4 grown when we got them, and for a variety of reasons (one being the learning of English), we put them in school I did homeschool Eddie last year. It helped him tremendously. Again for a variety of reasons he is back in school this year. Not really liking that he is there, but well, we'll see. I am taking it as I go. Any how, didn't mean to get carried away with explanations, just loved hearing about familiar books and familiar activities and all way off in Scotland. Love the "Little House" books. Happy Schooling to you all.
    Much love,
