
Thoughts from Isaiah 2

Some of the thoughts I had whilst reading Isaiah 2 earlier today, along with Matthew Henry's commentary:

When the Jews of the Old Testament went up to their special feast days in Jerusalem three times a year, they would, whilst walking on the way, call to their friends and neighbours to come with them.

And don't we? Don't we long for the salvation of our loved ones so much that we call to them, 'Come thou with us'. I hope we do - in our actions if not with constant words.

After all, there is no joy like our joy; there is no peace like our peace; and no God like unto our God. And don't we want others to share in our joy, in our peace, and in this wonderful salvation?

'Lord, help me to call out to others along the way. Make my walk in this life and my talk be so that those not yet on the way may envy what I have and desire it. And may none of my words or actions ever discourage anyone. May none ever be 'put off' the way of the Gospel because of anything I do or say.'

We go 'up to the mount of the Lord to be taught', so that we will walk in His paths' (v2)

'Lord, please give me a teachable spirit, and a longing to learn more of Thee, more of Thy dealings with me, and more of what Thy Word tells me about Thyself. And through that, may I walk ever closer to Thee, and with more graciousness towards my fellow man.'

What treasures we have in the Word. May the Spirit give us more and more of a desire to read it and to learn from it.

Hope you all (y'all?!) have a blessed day.


  1. I just saw a comment of yours on Striving to Serve at Home, and thought that I would stop by and leave a comment- just because I think it is so neat that you actually live in Scotland! Our family is partly of Scottish decent, and we have always thought that Scotland is, well, wonderful! :) -Kendal

  2. Aww, thank you for stopping by, and for leaving a comment. So many of our forefathers crossed the Atlantic and made the USA or Canada their home. (We would too if we could!) We're just back from a holiday (vacation) in your wonderful country. You may love Scotland, but we ADORE your country!
    Lovely to 'meet' you, and please keep in touch.
    Off to visit your blog!
    Love, Anne x
