
Stonechat taking the wrong turn

This poor little bird found its way into our garage the other day. When I walked in, it tried to escape, but flew straight into the window instead. The bang on the window seemed to injure it, so Catherine held it for a while. Talked to him. Molly-coddled him.

Eventually, he did fly off. Isn't he lovely!

And not a sparrow falls to the ground without our Heavenly Father's knowledge.


  1. What a beautiful reminder of God's love and care.

  2. I don't know what happened, but I thought I posted a post here the other day, and now I come back to find it is not here. I must of done something I shouldn't have :) Well, let me try it again: I love this sweet post. the scripture is one of my favorites, the Lord reminded me of our importance to Him many years ago with this scripture after a little bird hit our window. A friend of mine gave me 2 little bird figurines, as a sweet reminder. That is a precious little bird in your picture, yes he is lovely. There is something uniquely delightful when we have a tiny connected moment with wildlife. It gives me a brief picture of Adam and Eve in the Garden marveling and naming all the animals.

