
Some photos

Some photos

The Statue of Liberty.

We couldn't but think of the thousands that fled persecution in Europe to come to the USA. What this sight must have meant to them.

This was the New York skyline. It was very misty the day we were there, but this weather has its own beauty.

This photo shows the gap where the Twin Towers used to be. I am not going to attempt any words. There are none.

The Atlantic - New Jersey style.

Some of the gorgeous Pennsylvanian countryside.

(taken from the inside of the car, so please excuse the reflection!)

I have more photos of beautiful countryside in PA, in OH, in MI and in Ontario. Not to mention in Scotland. I'll post them later.

They really show how over-populated our earth really is. I think not.


  1. Great pics!! You found the others then :)
    Look forward to the others!

  2. Hello! Were you guys just in the U.S.? That's so cool! The pictures are beautiful!:D

  3. We certainly were, Sarah. We drove through NY state, stayed in NJ for a while; drove through PA; stayed in OH for a couple of nights; stayed in MI for a while. Had a wonderful time in your wonderful country. We loved it. I'll post more about it in the coming days. Thanks, Anne x

  4. Thanks so much for visting my blog and so cool about your Mother's Day kid's birhtdays. My husband has a lot of irish heritage and wants to go to Ireland someday. Looks so beautiful. May God continue to bless you!!

  5. Oh I am signed in as my husand sorry. This is Katie from blessedby3miracles.blogspot.com

  6. I've enjoyed reading your blog and seeing your photos from your recent trip! I was in Cleveland last September and enjoyed it very much. How fun to discover a homeschooling family in Scotland!

  7. Hi 'Rob'/Katie!! I wondered if Rob was your shortened name....Robina? Roberta??
    Anyway, nice to know it's Katie! And because we have our own Katie, that's extra nice!
    Hope I'll see loads more of you on my blog. Thank you so much for visiting and for commenting.
    Anne x

  8. Hi Dawn, thanks for visiting and for 'following'! There aren't many homeschooling families in Scotland - the whole concept is very, very new. When we heard of it first about 10 years ago - when we were desperately trying to get a Christian school started so we could take our eldest out of State school, we had never even heard of such a thing. Once we heard of it, we were totally won over. We praise God constantly that He took us in this direction, when almost all other believers in Scotland send their kids to state school. Having said that, there are now 4 families on our island (out of a population of about 25,000) homeschooling. It's definitely a trend that will grow.
    Lovely to 'meet' you,
    Anne x

  9. What a wonderful time you must have had! I am from Pennsylvania!
