
Who from History would you like to meet?

This is the man I'd choose.

This is one of my favourite non-Scripture quotes of all time:
"Mr. Smith, my religious faith teaches me that God has already fixed the time of my death; therefore, I think not of it. I am as calm in battle as I would be in my own parlor. God will come for me in his own time." 'Stonewall' Jackson when asked how he could remain so calm on the battlefield.

You gotta love 'im. I do.


  1. Yay! Good old Stonewall Jackson, from my state! :) I would love to meet William Wallace or Patrick Henry. -Rachel

  2. Oh yes. Who cannot love the hero of your state? I find he was a very Godly man. As for the other two, they were wonderful too! Isn't history the best? I am very proud to be able to claim being a Virginian all my life so far! It is the best of our states in my opinion! :)
    It is funny that you like an American hero, and I like a Scottish hero! :) But I love history in general. Oh! Another of my favorites is John Smith. He led a life straight out of an adventure book for pity's sake! :) -Rachel
    (Oh. I'm accidently signed in on my sister's account! :)

  3. This comment has been removed by the author.

  4. I am just discovering your blog and am finding it fascinating! I've seen pics of your beautiful sheep and learned that they are called blackface(d?) sheep. Our family was at a living history museum on Sunday and watched an 18th century sheep shearing demonstration.
    We are a homeschool family living in western PA. We used to have dogs, one a golden retriever, but now have two daughters. Your yellow labrador and mention of visitors from PA made your blog seem so welcoming to me. Now to have you mention Stonewall Jackson..probably my dh's and my favorite Civil War figure...I'm going to have to keep up with your blog.
    Oh, and that my husband's family is also from Scotland...from way back when? Definately, your blog is one to follow.
    Blessings, Mrs. Rhonda Henrich
