
More Mobile Phone Photos

I know y'all are desperate to see more of my mobile photos, so here are some of the latest ...

What can I say? She has taken over my camera.

And my house. And my thoughts. And our family. Frankly, I have no recollection of life pre-Niseach.

*      *      *

Now, there's a bit of a story behind the following photos. My mum was getting rid of some sandals. Perfectly good sandals, I might add.

But when I showed them to my younger sister (the fashion-concious-fashion-savvy one in the family), she almost choked on her Latte. 

That's what fashion-concious-fashion-savvy people drink, you know.

She completely and utterly, and with all seriousness, banned me from even thinking about wearing them.

Now, I do apologise for asking the Homeschool on the Croft FB readers before I asked my loyal blog readers, but when I asked on Facebook, the comments came flowing in thick and fast.

In fact, I have never had as many comments - ever.

One hundred and two, to be precise.

And it has to be said that most folks agreed with my fashion-savvy sister.

What do y'all think? I honestly (totally honestly) have no idea what's wrong with them. 

No. idea.

*      *      *

I was making lunch for Mum and Dad yesterday, and when my folks have fish, they must have fish knives and forks. It struck me that this strand of etiquette may be dying out, but I may be wrong. Personally, I like to use fish knives for my fish dishes, but I have been known to be a Philistine and use ordinary cutlery for such a meal. 

Is this forgivable? Indeed, is it so totally forgivable that the question doesn't even seem pertinent to you? 

I kinda need to know whether I'm hanging on for dear life to an outdated (like, apparently, the sandals) practice, or should I keep up the fish-knives-for-fish habit?

(Oh, as an aside, the tray cloth in the photo was embroidered by my mum when she was at school. She was 12 at the time, so that tray cloth is around 67 years old. Cool, eh?)

*      *      *

I'm staying at my sister's home right now (yes, *sigh*, the fashionable one), and when I came out of the bathroom yesterday morning, this is what awaited me.

No, I wasn't in the bathroom for long. 

Yes, she was missing me.

And this wee face is what was staring at me as a dried my hair at a downstairs mirror.

Tell me: is she not the sweetest wee face y'all have seen today?


Niseach's First Wash, Cut, and Blowdry

Apparently, I was looking a wee bit shabby - or maybe it was 'shaggy' they said - and so it was time for a haircut.

Quite honestly, I was happy with the look, and given that I'm always hearing people waxing lyrical on the loveliness of shabby chic, I couldn't see any reason for me to endure the pains of a three-hour long grooming session.

But hey, who am I to decide on these things?

One final run-around in freedom, and off to the groomer's van it was.

Actually, I fell for the groomer. She was lovely and I could tell she thought I was lovely too. Frankly, how could she think otherwise, eh?

I got a thorough brushing, and then it was into the bath. I absolutely love being in the bath at home, but oh boy, this one was even better fun. It was deep, so my shaking only half-soaked my groomer. When I do that at home, Mammy get totally drenched. Such fun!

Seriously, what it this all about? I was so glad I couldn't see myself in the mirror at this stage: seeing Mum's photos after the event was bad enough. I think this...... thing .... was placed on my head so the sound of the crazy blower wouldn't frighten me too much. That blower was just a short mini-dry before the b-i-g  
l-o-n-g drying event took place.

As I said, I hadn't seen myself, so quite happily posed for the camera. Mammy says that ignorance is bliss, and though I'm not so sure about that, it certainly meant I smiled for the camera rather than hiding my face in shame.

Then came the drying and brushing. Wow, this took ages. Like, forever. (Don't tell Mum I said 'Like, forever', because there will be no doggy treats for me for the rest of the day. Well, or until I give her My Look. Works every time. Every. Single. Time.)

I tried to be as good as gold, and patiently stood for Lauren. She was amazed how good I was considering this was my first grooming.

I told her: 'I aim to please'.

 She liked that.

Finally, with 5 minutes to go, Daddy arrived. That meant Mum could go outside and take a photo from outside of Lauren's van. 

Three hours, but oh boy, did it feel good afterwards! I'm so glad they gave me this haircut before the really warm weather comes. 

I mean .... really warm weather is gonna come, right?

And here's the New Me. You like?