
Some of the Winners at the Barvas Show

West Side show

Isn't she a beauty! This is Gruagach an Eilein of Brue.

 Here she is being judged. The photo shows CA with Adam Henson, who (apparently) is a well-know TV presenter. Quite a coup for the Barvas show to have him open the show and judge the cattle.

Here, he's explaining what he's looking for in champions, and every time he chose a winner, he explained his choice.

Of course, well seasoned experts like myself knew all this, but for those onlookers less experienced than myself, this was a real bonus.

And here she is with her rosettes. She won her category - Highland heifer over 16 months - and was Reserve Champion for the show overall.

Is this not the cutest thing ever?

 Er, no, CA - not you. I mean the calf in the next photo.

Ahhhh, Mr Wayne. Winner of ... of... er, some category. It may have been, 'Winner of the Best Looking Owner's category'. Yes, actually, I think that's the the very one. 

Yep, we knew you were something special.


At the Beach... but not Our Beach

Today, ourselves and some cousins and aunties went to Cuidheashadar. We drove the van out the moor as far as we could and then walked the rest of the way.

Can you see a hint of sand, just at the end of the stream?

It's a fair hike down...

but worth the effort.

We had the beach to ourselves - we often do, even when we're on 'our' beach, but this little cove is way off the beaten track, so it was no surprise to find it empty.

In the distance, on the cliff top, you can see Taigh 'an Fiosaich.

(You can see more photos of Taigh 'an Fiosaich, and Eaglais an Fiosaich here.)

The day wasn't particularly warm, but the sun came out, giving us a wonderful time at the beach.

DR cast a couple of times with a rod he'd purchased.

Oh, hang on... himself and the Builder bought it. DR reckons the rod is 60% his and 40% his dad's.

This means that 60% of the fish caught with the rod is DR's.

I have informed him that this also means that 60% of the gutting, filleting and cooking is up to him. Right now, I think he's looking for a new deal.

The water was absolutely freezing. I know this because, er, I have it on good authority.

Yes, all those who ventured in (ie, all except the ladies) told me.

The kids went in with their boogie-boards, but the Builder took some persuading.

I enjoyed the view from the safety of this distance.

(I know y'all are cheering right now for my lovely boots. Yes, I know they're not normal beach footwear, but you remember we did have a hike over the moor first. This is why they got a special outing to the beach.)

If you want to see some more photos of our time at the beach, and especially of DR and the Builder practicing their synchronized running-into-the-sea-without-dying-of-the-cold routine, go to Homeschool on the Croft at Facebook, and join me there!


Chats on the Farmhouse Porch.

Patrice has changed her Wednesday's Words of Weightloss to Chats on the Farmhouse Porch.

This suits me much better because chatting is something that comes kinda naturally to me. I don't know if any of you ever noticed that before.

Here are her questions for today, so come join us for our chat:

What's your favorite potato dish?

Mmm, this is difficult because I love potatoes. I do love a potato gratin. I love new potatoes par boiled, then chucked in a hot oven with some olive oil and black pepper, then mixed with crispy fried bacon. 

I can't stand it if I'm eating out ... er, yes, it does happen. Well, it's been known to happen.... and I am served a lovely meal with only a tiny portion of tatties. Yep, I love potatoes.

When was the last time you were at a playground?

Oh boy, I haven't a clue. Seriously, I just don't know. I'll have a think and maybe come back on this one. 

Do you do any needle crafts or sew?

Not really. When the World Cup was on last year, I began knitting some squares to make up a blanket... I love football (soccer!), but sitting watching matches night after night would have made me feel a tad guilty, I reckon. So I began to knit - and knitting squares allowed me to concentrate on the game and still not go wrong. I crocheted the squares together, and the (almost!) finished blanket now sits in a corner, probably waiting for next year's Olympics for its final touches!

Who was your favorite adult, outside of you family, when you were a child?

When I was wee (as opposed to now, when I'm, er, still wee...), I used to go to a playmate's house. Her dad was a minister in our district, but I knew him primarily as 'Shona's daddy'. He was the kindest and nicest 'daddy' (except my own) I knew. 

Later, he became my minister, and as well as being my pal's daddy, he became, under God's hand, the feeder of my soul. I have now known him almost all of my life, and he is still one of the most consistent examples of a Christian I have ever met.

What topping do you like on your pizza?

Definitely not anything with a barbecue sauce, or mushrooms. Anyone else out there think mushrooms weren't really meant to be eaten. I know we mustn't say Bleugh to any food, but... mushrooms? .... Bleugh.

Oh, not pepperoni either.

Well, that gave all my dislikes!

I do like cheese, chicken and maybe something spicy.

If I was on Patrice's porch, I'd probably talk about the weather. I'd begin by saying how much I was loving the heat. I'd probably tell what our weather at home was like, and how wonderful it was to be able to have a porch and to be able to sit out in the warmth. 

Then, I'd begin to overheat. And I'd head for the air conditioned inside. I'd wonder how anyone is able to work outside. And then I'd think of the farmers, struggling in extreme heat and in terribly dry conditions. I'd feel so awful for moaning about my weather when farmers, whose livelihoods depend on rain, really do have reason to be anguished.

And then I'd feel even worse for my complaining when I'd think of livestock farmers. Imagine seeing, not only your livelihood, but your animals suffering. Reading about the heat killing turkeys at the Banks of Squaw Creek is heartbreaking, and reading on PW's blog of farmers in Oklahoma having to sell their livestock because of drought conditions really does put things in perspective.

Although my 'complaints' about our weather are only lighthearted and aren't really serious, I am rebuked for this: how seldom I truly give thanks for the weather we have here, for how easy it is to warm our homes, and to put on an extra layer of clothing; for the fact that our vegetables do at least (mostly) grow; and that our animals do not have to withstand extreme heat or cold... and the wind doesn't seem to bother them too much.

So much to be thankful for, and today my thoughts are with those who are really struggling because of the weather.


It's That Time of Year Again

Notice anything about some of these sheep?

Yes, it must be getting close to show time

I wasn't down helping Big Brother dyeing tonight. Yes, yes, he managed ... but only just. I arrived just in time to see them leaving.

The Builder and Jackson came for a wander too. 

Our beach just as the sun was setting.


The Journey of my Romanesco...

From this, a couple of months ago...

...to this.

And then onto this...

 and then a sneak preview.

And finally.... this!

Aren't the Romanesco swirls gorgeous! I'm not sure whether any of you guessed, but I do like my veggies. Just a bit, eh?

The Romanesco are ready so early this year. I don't remember this about them two years ago, when we planted them, but the Builder had to take about a dozen in to me on Saturday. We had two yesterday, but I made soup with the others.

I'm sorry, I have no photos of the tubs with soup, but I have decided that these ice-cream tubs are the best tubs ever! I used to have a cupboard full of plastic tubs and lids - you know the kind of thing: you open the cupboard door and lids fall, and an odd tub falls out, and you can never find the lid to fit the tub you want to use. So now, I use these Walls ice-cream tubs, the half-size Italian ice-cream tubs, or the Stork tubs (small and large).

See how they all fit inside each other for storing in the cupboard ...

...and how they stack nicely when they're full.

Our first soups in the freezer! It seems odd...in July, but, all being well in October, they will be delightful.

Today I'm linking with the Prairie Homestead for the Homestead Barn Hop


A Birthday List

The blog, Wrestling with an Angel, had a post recently, in which was written a list of 'things I wish I'd known when I was your age' - from Dad to his son. 

'Our' Dad copied the list and gave it to our son on his birthday. I think many of us would say 'Amen' to the fact that many of them are 'things we wish we'd known (and lived)' when we were that age.

Here's the list:

1. The most important thing you can do is love God and love people. Everything in life flows from this one commandment.

Jesus said... Thou shalt love the Lord thy God with all thy heart, and with all thy soul, and with all thy mind.
Thou shalt love thy neighbour as thyself.
Matthew 22:37-39

2. Choose your friends wisely: they will influence you more than you realise.  Be a unique leader, not an average follower. Don’t let your desire to impress people make you do stupid things. Be yourself and people will be drawn to you, and respect you.

Be not deceived: evil communications corrupt good manners.
1 Corinthians 15:33

3. Who you are when no one is looking is a true test of your character. Remember, Someone is always looking.

The eyes of the Lord are in every place, beholding the evil and the good.
Proverbs 15:3

4. Take your time with girls. Set the standard high. Find a Godly woman. When you find her, she will be more valuable than all the treasure you could ever dream of. And she will have been worth the wait.

Who can find a virtuous woman? For her price is far above rubies.
Proverbs 31:10-31

5. Live your life in such a way that when people say bad things about you (and they will) no one will ever believe them. 

He that handleth a matter wisely shall find good: and whoso trusted in the Lord, happy is he.
Proverbs 17: 20

6. Every decision that you make has a reward or a consequence. Your reputation is built over a period of many years, but can be destroyed in one minute with one bad decision.

The fear of the Lord is the instruction of wisdom: and before honour is humility.
Proverbs 15: 33

7. Don’t just settle for a “job”. Find a career where your gifts can be used to the fullest, and to God’s glory. If your aim is God’s glory, your reward will be more than a salary.

Riches profit not in the day of wrath: but righteousness delivereth from death.
Proverbs 11: 4

8. Always be slow to anger, quick to forgive, and quick to show grace.
Remember that Jesus’ death on the cross for your sins was a complete act of undeserved grace. Think about that when you are wronged or when you are treated badly by people.
Wherefore my beloved brethren, let every man be swift to hear, slow to speak, slow to wrath. For the wrath of man worketh not the righteousness of God.
James 1: 19-20
Looking unto Jesus, the Author and Finisher of our faith: who for the joy that was set before him endured the cross, despising the shame, and is set down at the right hand of the throne of God.
 Hebrews 12:2

9. Be humble. The truest form of strength lies in humility.

Humility is to expect nothing, to wonder at nothing done to us, to feel nothing against us. It is to be at rest when nobody praises us and when we are blamed and despised. It is to have a blessed place in the Lord where we can go in and shut the door and kneel to our Father in secret, and be at peace when all around is trouble.”
(Andrew Murray)

When pride cometh, then cometh shame: but with the lowly is wisdom.
Proverbs 11:2


My boy is eighteen.

Anyone noticing a particular theme in this guy's life, by any chance? 

Friends, family, food and fellowship. Hey, I love alliteration. Especially when it's all true.

Special friends too.... Lest anyone think the USA is the only place the boys visited and loved, they both appeared at the barbecue last night in these t-shirts.

Yes, yes, yes, we all know you guys were on holiday.
Yes, we know you have a wonderful time.... but do you have to keep rubbing it in!

(Don't you love the decor in the background. Ahem.)

 One day, I'm gonna steal this wee fella...

 ...and these two.

 When the puddings came out, 

 the young folks were much too polite, it seems.

Not so, the adults!

 This pair got out for the day.

I could say so much more. So very, very much more, but safe to say, they're back where they belong today.

 Lots of fun and singing around the campfire eventually became too much....

for some folks!


The Wee Guy

Not that we ever would let our Wee Guy drive the tractor, but if we did, maybe this is what he'd look like.

Not that we ever would, you understand.

Ahem, this was our 'garden' today after the grass had been cut. Can y'all imagine just how long the grass was for there to be so many piles of cuttings? Hmmm, let's just say it was in dire need of a haircut, and it went from having a leather-jacket-clad-biker haircut to a US Marine's #1 in the space of a few hours. Phew!

I haven't shown you a sunset for a while, so here's tonight's.

Time for bed, and boy, am I glad!